Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences

MIGSAA Evolution Equations and Friends

1 August 2016, from 1.30pm in CMT.01
Pizza from 12.30pm

Speakers: Gissell Estrada-Rodriguez (MIGSAA)
Muhammad Iqbal (HW / civil engineering)
Oluwaseun Lijoka (HW / maths)
Eleni Moraki (MIGSAA)
Aleksandra Plochocka (MIGSAA)
David Stark (HW / maths)
Jack Wiggins (HW / MSAS)

13.30Eleni MorakiMathematical modelling of corneal epithelium maintenance
14.00Aleksandra PlochockaAspects of mathematical biology
14.20Gissell Estrada-RodriguezAnalysis of the blow-up solutions to a semilinear
heat equation
14.40Jack WigginsModelling of music instruments
15.00coffee break
15.30Oluwaseun LijokaApproximation of linear wave problems using
wave-like function spaces
16.00David StarkTime-domain boundary elements for wave propagation
16.30Muhammad IqbalAn a posteriori error estimate and local q-refinement
for transient heat diffusion problems